Friday 9 July 2021

Mount NTFS Read/Write di Mac

 Mount NTFS Read/Write di Mac dapat menggunakan Mounty [1], dapat diinstall menggunakan brew 

brew install --cask mounty

Terkadang ketika mengaktifkan read/write, filesystem NTFS nya dapat corrupt, sebagian file atau folder tiba-tibang menghilang. Jika ini terjadi, jangan khawatir, tinggal cari akses ke OS Windows, kamudian lakukan pemeriksaaan dan dan perbaikan filesystem, baik melalui GUI, ataupun dengan command line : 

chkdsk E:

chkdsk /f E:

Ganti E, dengan label external drive Anda.


  1. Mounty for NTFS,

Wednesday 9 June 2021

Retroactive : Run Aperture, iPhoto, and iTunes on macOS Big Sur and macOS Catalina.


  1. Retroactive, Run Aperture, iPhoto, and iTunes on macOS Big Sur and macOS Catalina. Xcode 11.7 on macOS Mojave. Final Cut Pro 7, Logic Pro 9, and iWork ’09 on macOS Mojave or macOS High Sierra,

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Apple ID on MacBook Pro : Verification Failed


Tiba, Apple ID minta relogin, ditips yg ada [1][2], diminta untuk Sign Out dulu. Tapi setelah Sign Out, dan coba login lagi, masih tetap error. Di diskusi [3], sepertinya ada yg mengalami hal yg sama, dan di thread ini, belum ada info, apakah masalah ini sudah terpecahkan atau belum.

Console Log : 

default 19:30:19.726639+0700 akd Attempting to show login error: Error Domain=AKAuthenticationError Code=-7012
default 19:30:19.727530+0700 Xcode Presenting login alert with missing info, username: <private>, authType: 2
default 19:30:21.609600+0700 akd Another attempt at getting basic login info has completed!
default 19:30:25.573405+0700 akd Attempting to show login error: Error Domain=AKAuthenticationError Code=-7018 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=<private>, NSUnderlyingError=0x7f9178f15fe0 {Error Code=2 UserInfo={NSDescription=<private>, Status=<private>}}}

Console Log in Safe Mode : 

default 20:23:51.860831+0700 akd Another attempt at getting basic login info has completed!
default 20:23:53.115674+0700 akd Attempting to show login error: Error Domain=AKAuthenticationError Code=-7012
default 20:23:53.116591+0700 Presenting login alert with missing info, username: <private>, authType: 2
default 20:23:58.584980+0700 akd Another attempt at getting basic login info has completed!
default 20:24:59.414633+0700 akd Attempting to show login error: Error Domain=AKAuthenticationError Code=-7005
default 20:24:59.695619+0700 loginwindow -[ApplicationManager checkInAppContext:eventData:] | ApplicationManager: Checked in app : AquaAppearanceHelper
default 20:24:59.923631+0700 loginwindow AppleInterfaceThemeChangedNotification
default 20:24:59.923680+0700 loginwindow System appearance change
default 20:24:59.923789+0700 loginwindow Current system appearance, (HLTB: 2), (SLS: 1)
default 20:24:59.923842+0700 loginwindow Invalidate NSApp effectiveAppearance


Akhirnya, solusinya adalah clean install. Backup seluruh data, termasuk konfigurasi software-software yg digunakan, masuk ke recovery mode, format Macintosh HD* Data, kemudian install ulang Big Sur. Alhamdulillah, error terkait Apple ID Verification Failed dapat teratasi.


  1. How to Fix Apple ID Verification Failed?,
  2. Apple Id Verification Failed,
  3. Verification failed,
  4. Verification failed An unknown error occured on sign in,
  5. Can't log into iCloud: Verification Failed - Your username or password is incorrect.,
  6. Re-upgrade to macOS Mojave (esp. parts relating to iCloud) without loosing data, etc ,

Monday 10 May 2021

How to find and remove files from the 'Other' storage category on your Mac


Quick tips. You can use GrandPerspective, a small utility application for macOS that graphically shows the disk usage within a file system. It can help you to manage your disk, as you can easily spot which files and folders take up the most space. It uses a so called tree map for visualisation. Each file is shown as a rectangle with an area proportional to the file's size. Files in the same folder appear together, but their placement is otherwise arbitrary.